Why Is Video Marketing So Effective?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We’re sure you’ve heard a lot about video marketing by now. Marketing experts say it is effective, but do you really understand why that is? Put simply, when given the opportunity to choose a medium to receive a message, people choose video. 

Video gives customers a visual way to understand what your company is offering. Since most of our attention goes towards visual cues, this way of sending information is extremely powerful. For even more reasons why video marketing is so effective, keep reading!

Why Video Marketing Is Effective

People Want to Watch Videos

Video viewership has increased exponentially over the last several years. On YouTube alone, people watch one billion hours of video every day! And even with that amount of video being created and watched every day, nine out of 10 viewers say they want to see more videos from businesses. In other words, people are seeking out videos at a rate that has never been seen before. This by itself should convince you that video is worth including in your overall marketing strategy.

It Captures Peoples’ Attention

Today, the average person’s attention span is about 8 seconds. Yes, this is even shorter than a goldfish’s attention span! One potential reason for this is the number of advertisers that are constantly vying for customers’ attention. In many cases, still images are not enough to grab peoples’ attention anymore. People are so used to seeing ads that they often skim right through without even noticing them. When the ad consists of a static image, this is especially true since video holds attention five times better than still images do. 

Because of the short attention span, it is vital that you capture consumers’ attention right away. You only have a split second to convince someone to watch your entire video. Place your most captivating video elements in the first seconds of a video. You can do this by choosing attention-grabbing thumbnails, establishing brand identity early, and using moving elements right away.

It Encourages People to Engage

Half of people prefer engaging with videos on social media compared to static images. This goes for all different social media platforms. For example, 1.25 billion people watch videos on Facebook each month. Meanwhile, tweets with video see 10 times more engagement than tweets without video. Speaking in terms of paid advertising, using video in Twitter ads can cut the cost-per-engagement in half. If engagement is a metric you are seeking to improve, you might be surprised how much creating videos can help.

Videos Inform Purchase Decisions

When consumers are researching products or services to buy, social media, and particularly video content, is essential. Consumers want to fully understand a product or service, what it does, and how it can help them before they invest in it. For this reason, it is no surprise that video content is a good tool! Watching your short video could be the thing that finally convinces someone to make a purchase. 

Types of Video Marketing

If you think YouTube is the only place to create video content, we have good news. Today, there are tons of options for creating and using video content. Hopefully, this makes it easier to find a method that works within your marketing strategy as well as your time and financial resources. 


A growing number of social media platforms give you a place to post stories that disappear after a specific amount of time. Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and more recently, TikTok, have all introduced this ability. Stories are a great way to dip your toe into video marketing as they can be very quick and inexpensive to create. 

Live Videos

As more platforms introduce stories, many of them are also introducing the ability to create live videos as well. Facebook and YouTube are the giants when it comes to live streaming, but platforms like Twitch, Instagram, and TikTok have the capability as well. In fact, Facebook says that live streams get six times as many interactions as regularly posted videos. Consider going live on your platform of choice on a regular basis to answer peoples’ questions about your products or services.


Webinars are another excellent way to interact directly with potential and current customers. These are often great places to answer specific questions customers have about your product or service, or teach them about your industry. These can go a long way in establishing your place as an authority in the industry. 

Start Incorporating Video Into Your Marketing Strategy

In this article, we’ve focused mainly on why video marketing works for customers. However, search engines and social media algorithms also love video content. They have been known to push this type of content to the forefront of their platforms. To have a truly effective marketing strategy, mixing both written and visual content is the best approach. 

With 98 Buck Social, there’s no reason to put all your eggs in one basket! We can create and schedule both types of content for all of your social media profiles, allowing you to maintain a consistent presence online. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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