Why Agency Marketing is the Way to Go

Small businesses are always on the lookout for cost-effective ways to market their products and services. Many face the common dilemma – whether to handle their marketing in-house or to outsource it to an agency.

While in-house marketing may seem like a tempting option, marketing agencies provide several benefits that will save small businesses more time and money in the long run. We’ll discuss the advantages of hiring a marketing agency over having an in-house team, and why agency marketing is the way to go.

Diverse Skill Set:

Hiring a marketing agency over having an in-house team gains you access to a diverse array of skill sets. Marketing agencies typically have teams made up of copywriters, graphic designers, SEO specialists, and social media experts. This means that every task associated with marketing your business can be completed by a professional who has extensive experience in that particular area. This diversity of skill sets translates into a more robust and effective marketing strategy overall.


Some small business owners may believe that in-house marketing is cheaper compared to hiring an agency. However, this is not always the case. The cost of hiring, training, and retaining an in-house marketing team can be significantly higher than outsourcing to an agency. Additionally, marketing agencies use specialized tools and technology, so small businesses won’t have to invest in expensive marketing software.


As your small business grows, so will your marketing strategy. You’ll need to implement frequent changes to stay ahead of the competition. In-house marketing teams can be a challenge for small businesses when they need to ramp up their marketing strategy suddenly. Hiring a marketing agency provides a scalable solution that will allow your business to accommodate any marketing needs that arise as it grows!


In-house marketing teams typically operate on a limited pool of ideas. This is in part because they’re working within the same business on a day-to-day basis. Working with a marketing agency provides opportunities for more creativity, as agencies work with a diverse array of clients. They can always bring fresh ideas and perspectives to the table. Agencies have experience working with a wide range of clients and industries, which makes it much easier for them to create unique, effective marketing campaigns.

Faster Turnaround Time:

When you work with a marketing agency, you get access to professionals that work fast and efficiently. This means that your marketing campaigns can be turned around much faster than if you had an in-house team, which can be more time-consuming and costly.

In conclusion, outsourcing marketing functions to an agency like 98 Buck Social is the way to go for small businesses that want to save time, money and improve marketing ROI! Marketing agencies bring expertise, experience, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and an outside perspective that small businesses need to develop and implement winning marketing strategies. By leveraging these benefits, small businesses can focus on their core competencies and growth rather than being bogged down with marketing challenges.

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