5 Tips for Using Pinterest for Your Business in 2022

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Even though Pinterest falls behind its other social media competitors like Facebook, it is still a valuable resource for your affordable social media marketing. Pinterest is a search engine that feeds visual, eye-catching results to its users. There was a huge growth on Pinterest due to the pandemic, and while that momentum has died down, there are still ways you can use the platform for your business in 2022.

Create a Business Account

If you are brand new to Pinterest marketing the first thing you should do is activate your business account. You get free access to helpful analytical tools that will guide your marketing efforts. Without these tools you won’t know if you are achieving your goals. You can see how often your pins are showing up on people’s feeds and how often your pins are saved. There are many more tools to explore!

Post Effective Visual Content

Similar to Instagram, Pinterest is a visual platform. You can’t post a pin without an image or a video. The most effective content takes up more of the screen (in portrait mode not landscape) and has text to describe where the link takes the user. Video pins are new to the platform but should be used alongside your photo posts.

Pin Consistently

Your social media posting schedule should include Pinterest. Users often have hundreds of thousands of pins saved, so you need to be consistently posting. 98 Buck Social offers Pinterest posts to help you post once per day.

Optimize Your Pinterest for Searches

As we mentioned above, Pinterest is a search engine. To work like a search engine, Pinterest has built its algorithm to be able to track keywords in multiple places including: your bio, caption, post title, and hashtags. In every pin you post, include keywords that you believe your ideal audience will be searching.

Create Fresh Content

Because you need to pin often, it can seem intimidating to always try and create new content. While you should always strive for new content, it is also perfectly fine to revisit your old evergreen content. Update what you need to and add fresh photos to those posts and no one will notice![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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