How to Use Social Media to Find Staff

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There has been a lot of employee turnover for businesses this year. Social media can be very helpful in finding new staff for your company! Many people turn to social media to level up their careers from networking to learning new skills. Here are some ideas to find new employees for your business!

Tips for Your Recruitment Posts

Be clear and concise. All kinds of social media posts need to be concise because of users’ short attention spans. You can always link to a site that allows more information about a position, but the post should be short and highlight the important parts of the position.

Show off your strengths. Have you received any awards or accreditations? Show them off! You will attract talented people when you let your talents shine. Your strengths should set you apart from your competition.

Highlight your company culture. Job searchers consider good company culture a big factor when looking for a new position. In your social media posting, include content that shows how you appreciate your current employees.

Share behind the scenes. Prospects will be curious about what it is really like working for your company. It is very easy to provide a look into your facility and equipment. Show off the perks as well. Video is one of the best ways to show this.

Utilize employee advocacy. Employee advocacy posts are more effective at achieving your recruitment goal because they are similar to word-of-mouth. Ask your employees to share job listings from their personal accounts. You can also create feature posts that share individual employees’ thoughts.

Make it easy to apply. When you are trying to sell a product, you should make it easy for the buyer, so it should also be easy for prospective employees to apply to your positions! Have a clear call to action and include a link. Be prepared to answer questions sent to your direct messages instead of emails.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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