How to Keep Up to Date on Social Media Trends

Every successful social media marketer works hard to stay knowledgeable about current trends. With new platforms, algorithm changes, and customer preferences changing all the time, it can feel nearly impossible to stay afloat. The following tools and tips will be beneficial in helping you get and stay ahead of the trends.

Use TikTok Creative Center

Although TikTok is still a newer social media platform, it is a powerhouse that should not be ignored. Despite what you may have thought when it first came out, TikTok is more than just a place to watch dance videos. When it comes to social media trends on the platform, TikTok makes it easy to keep up with the latest and greatest with TikTok Creative Center. Here, you can filter through trending songs, hashtags, creators, and videos. You can even filter them by country or industry. If you see a topic that interests you, click on it to see even more details. From there, you can decide if it is a good fit for your business’s marketing.

See What’s Trending on Twitter

Twitter is one of the most popular ways for people to stay updated with what’s really popular online. The platform constantly has new ideas, memes, and other trends popping up. One thing to note about Twitter is that trends come and go extremely quickly, possibly quicker than on any other platform. If you want to participate, you have to do so almost immediately in order to be effective.

Spend Time on Social Media Every Day

Because trends come and go so fast, you need to be active online if you want to keep up. Set aside time each day to check each platform (or at least the ones you want to market on) and either physically or mentally take notes of what you see is trending. It may be helpful to write it down so you can refer to it when you are planning your content calendar. Through following various trending accounts and hashtags, your feed will be customized to your industry and its trends.

Pay Attention to Your Competitors

If there is a competitor or larger business that seems to always be ahead of the trends, pay attention to them! Try to focus on building inspiration instead of comparing your content, follower count, number of likes, etc. Do not outright copy their content. Instead, make it your own and get creative. Think about how your business can put its own twist on what they’ve done to really make it work for your audience.

Follow Influencers

One of the simplest ways to keep up to date with social media trends is to follow influencers in your industry. For example, if your business sells makeup or beauty products, it’s beneficial to follow beauty influencers. The nature of what they do means they are active on social media all the time. If there is anyone who knows what’s going on within your industry on social media, it’s relevant influencers. Following them can help you learn what’s trending as well as what is performing well with your target audience.

Work With a Social Media Marketing Agency

If you don’t have enough time in your schedule to monitor social media trends every day, outsourcing the job to a social media marketing agency could be your best option. Specifically, 98 Buck Social can help you use the latest trends on your social media accounts. We listen to your goals and learn about your business so that we can provide content that is in line with what is trending in your industry. Our skilled social media team follows trends so you don’t have to. Get in touch with us to learn more and make sure you are following our blog to stay up to date on all the latest social media trends.

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