Types of Customer Loyalty Programs

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]How much do you love your customers? They support your small or large business and help you grow! New business is hard to come by and repeat customers spend more than new ones. You can show your customers your appreciation with a customer loyalty program.

What Are Customer Loyalty Programs?

Customer loyalty is an important aspect of business because it means your products or services are good enough that people are coming back. A customer loyalty program rewards your customers for their repeated business and incentivizes their continued support. Implementing a loyalty program can show your customers how much you appreciate them.

Types of Customer Loyalty Programs

Rewards points. Customers will earn points based on how much they spend. You can decide how many points to award and what the rewards are. You can even include non-purchase-based points like sharing your social media posting.

VIP privilege programs. These programs directly charge your customers a fee and they receive exclusive rewards in return. Programs like this are successful because people enjoy being part of ‘members-only’ programs.

Tiered programs. This is similar to a points program, but as customers surpass certain levels they get access to more benefits. This incentivizes people to reach those tiers to get more back!

Cashback. As the name suggests, customers are able to get some money back from their purchases. With the money they save, they could end up shopping with you again!

Tips for Your Loyalty Program

Set goals. Utilizing customer loyalty programs can help you reach your affordable social media goals, you just need to identify which ones can be achieved. Once you know which goals you would like to meet you can track those goals through your loyalty programs.

Encourage referrals. Consumers trust referrals from friends and family. You can incentivize this by incorporating referrals into your loyalty program.

Promote on different platforms. Once you decide what kind of customer loyalty program you would like to start, you need to promote it on your social media platforms! If you have a loyalty program make sure you let your social media managers at 98 Buck Social know.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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