Twitter Holiday Marketing Tips

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The holiday season is right around the corner and it’s time to up your social media game!

Twitter might not have billions of active users like Facebook or Instagram, but it is still very influential. If you use Twitter correctly, it can be a valuable place to boost your brand and product or service awareness. If that is your goal for the holidays, keep reading to find out our best tips!

Tips for Twitter Holiday Marketing

These five tips will help turn your Twitter account into an important part of your marketing funnel!

Research Relevant Hashtags

Hashtags don’t play the same substantial role that they did a few years ago, but they are still important. They help organize tweet discussions, highlighting peoples’ engagement with topic-specific elements. For this reason, it is still a great idea to note the major hashtags that people are using within your niche.

To start this research, you should create a list of hashtags that are used in your industry or niche. Begin by listing the hashtags that you are personally familiar with. Then, look at what influencers or other brands in the industry are frequently using and take note of those. There are also many hashtag tools you can find online that can recommend hashtags that are related to your main ones if needed.

Research Target Accounts

Unlike other social media platforms, it’s not as important to reach the masses on Twitter. Instead, it’s about getting your content to key influencers who can amplify your message even further. To find these people, you should start by researching the most influential accounts or people in your niche. 

You can do this with the search function on Twitter, using their advanced search commands. For example, if you were looking for people that talk about basketball shoes, you could search “basketball shoes (#sneakers, OR #kicks)”. You can take it one step further by then looking at who those people follow to get the latest news or updates. You’ll be able to find key accounts that you may benefit from connecting with or securing coverage from by doing this. 

Optimize Your Tweet Structure

Now you’ve identified who you want to reach, you need to figure out how you’re going to reach them. What will work best to grab their attention and help you get noticed on a saturated timeline?

Twitter itself has provided recommendations for optimal tweeting. It is something they call the “three C’s approach.” The three Cs are concise, clear, and conversational. On Twitter, there are only 280 characters, so being concise is vital. However, it’s also important that your tweets are clear and initiate a discussion with your audience.

Twitter has also shared other guidance to keep in mind as you plan each tweet. First, you should make your hashtags accessible. You can do this by capitalizing the first letter of each word of your hashtag, which is also called “camel case.” Doing so makes it much easier for people to identify each word and it also helps screen readers read each word. Second, don’t be afraid to add emojis! Incorporating them in your tweets helps make your copy feel more human and grabs the attention of readers. Still, don’t go overboard. They recommend using a maximum of three emojis in a tweet, which also helps make your tweets accessible. Also, remember that tweets with video see the most engagement followed by tweets with GIFs or photos. Tweets with simply plain text tend to get the least engagement. 

When it comes to hashtags, it’s important to note that you don’t need to use them in every tweet. Particularly if you are sharing a link that you want people to click, hashtags might be distracting. They give people more options to click on, which could detract from the effectiveness of the tweet. In this case, it might be better to not use any hashtags.

Determine the Best Times to Tweet

As with every platform, determining the best times to post can help improve the success of your tweets significantly. You can find generic best practices online from many different sources. However, it is much more effective to look at your own data. Twitter holiday marketing is all about finding the best approaches that work for your business. Send tweets at all different times of the day and then analyze your results to figure out which day or time gets you the most engagement. This is when you’ll want to focus your efforts on.

Professional Profile

While it’s not necessarily a “must-have” for brands just yet, it’s definitely worth considering utilizing Twitter’s Professional Profile option. They made this option available to every brand and creator back in March 2022. Enabling this option allows you to add special information panels on your Twitter profile. This includes your business category, location, contact information, and more. You can also add a Shop Module, which allows you to display your best-selling products. There is also a Newsletter Module, which can drive more sign-ups to your newsletter.

Twitter Posting from 98 Buck Social

Twitter isn’t necessarily the platform to use if you want to have a direct impact on your sales, but it can be extremely useful in building your brand awareness and boosting community building. When you use it right, it can become an important part of your overall digital marketing strategy. Twitter could also be a vital part of your holiday marketing this year.

As a busy business owner, we understand that keeping track of all of these best practices might be more than you bargained for. After all, it’s just one of the platforms your business uses! Luckily, 98 Buck Social is here to help you create a consistent presence on all of the biggest social media platforms, including Twitter. Check out our packages or schedule a call with a member of our sales team to learn more![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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