Tips for Idea Pins on Pinterest

Pinterest is a great platform for expressing creativity and getting inspired. And with over 450 million monthly active users, it is a powerful platform to showcase your products, services, and brand. Since the introduction of idea pins in 2021, the possibilities have become even greater. In this post, we’ll explore some tips and tricks for creating idea pins that help you stand out and connect with your audience.

What Are Idea Pins?

First, let’s get familiar with what idea pins are. They are a type of pin that can be made up of multiple slides and can also incorporate video. Idea pins are a lot more dynamic than normal pins because you can include a combination of still images, videos, and animations. In other words, they allow you to share more of a story instead of a single graphic. One other distinct difference is that these pins cannot link out to other sites like a regular pin can. For example, you cannot make the pin link out directly to your website. 

Tips for Effective Idea Pins

Now that you are familiar with idea pins, let’s talk about how you can create effective idea pins that will lead to more visitors to your profile.

Start With a Plan

Before you start creating your first idea pin, make sure you have a plan in place. This should include a clear identification of your messaging, goals, and target audience. When it comes to your business’s Pinterest goals, think strategically. Do you want to showcase your products? Promote your services? Or maybe share behind-the-scenes content? When you have a clear plan, you’ll be able to create idea pins that align with your overall marketing strategy.

Make It Eye-Catching

You should think about Pinterest as a visual search engine. Not only is the information important but the visual is as well. Your idea pins need to be visually appealing if they are going to be effective. To create an eye-catching idea pin, use high-quality images, bright colors, and interesting fonts. It’s also important to use consistent branding across all of your pins to help build brand recognition and trust with your audience.

Use Storytelling

The main purpose of idea pins is to tell a story, so obviously you will want to utilize storytelling in your pins. People love stories, and this is the perfect place to tell your brand’s story. You can use videos, images, and text to tell a compelling story that resonates with your audience. When you use storytelling in your idea pins, you’ll capture your audience’s attention and build a deeper connection with them.

Provide Value

Pinterest users are searching for inspiration and ideas. In other words, they are looking for value. Think about what your audience wants and what it is they’re searching for. Then, create idea pins that solve their problems or answer their questions. For example, you can create tutorials, how-to guides, or share expert advice. When you provide value, you’ll attract new followers and further build with your existing audience.

Use Calls to Action

Your idea pins should be more than just pretty visuals. They should drive your audience to take a specific action. So, make sure you include calls to action (CTAs) throughout your pin to encourage viewers to engage with your content. Some common CTAs on Pinterest are “Save for Later” or “Tap to Learn More.” Both work by getting people intrigued and interested in taking further action.

Engage With Your Audience

Finally, don’t forget to engage with your audience through your pins. You can do this by asking questions, responding to comments, and encouraging your audience to share their own ideas and experiences. Making it a point to engage with your audience helps you build stronger connections and gain valuable insights into what your audience wants and needs.

Posting to Pinterest With 98 Buck Social

Idea Pins are a powerful tool for any business looking to use Pinterest to their advantage. By following the above tips and tricks, you’ll be able to create engaging, eye-catching idea pins that will help your business grow on this platform. If you need help consistently posting to Pinterest, 98 Buck Social is here to help. At a minimum, Pinterest recommends posting once per week. We can take this responsibility off of your hands by ensuring that your profile is getting the right amount of attention to have success. Check out our social media marketing packages today to learn more!

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