Social Media Statistics to Know For Q4

The final quarter of the year is here, and it’s time for businesses to plan their social media strategy for the upcoming year. Social media has always been an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. As we are stepping into the final quarter of the year, we bring you some social media statistics to know for Q4 when planning your marketing.

3 of every 4 Instagram users take action after being inspired by a post: 

Instagram is a great platform to showcase your products and services creatively. 72% of users reported that they bought a product they saw on Instagram. With Instagram’s plethora of creative features, businesses can attract and engage a wider audience.

Facebook Live viewing increased by 50% during the pandemic: 

Facebook Live is useful and effective for maintaining communication with customers. The pandemic has forced the world to adopt a more remote way of communication, and Facebook Live is a great solution. Facebook Live is a great platform for sharing product updates, giving behind-the-scenes access, and hosting Q&A sessions.

Twitter’s engagement rate is 18% higher on weekends: 

Twitter is an excellent platform for small businesses because it allows brands to share real-time updates and stay connected. A study shows that tweets posted on weekends generate engagement rates that are up to 18% higher than on weekdays. So, if your business is on Twitter, be sure to include weekends in your marketing plan.

LinkedIn is a B2B marketer’s dream: 

LinkedIn is one of the most important social media platforms for B2B marketers. The platform’s data-driven features have significantly helped businesses find new customers. LinkedIn has a 50% higher lead generation rate than other social media platforms according to recent studies.

Social media ad spending is expected to hit $105 billion by 2023: 

Social media is a cost-effective way of advertising for businesses of all sizes. With social media platforms’ incredibly advanced targeting capabilities, businesses can ensure their ad reaches their desired audience. As per studies, social media ad spending is expected to rise to $105 billion by 2023, which underlines the importance of investing in social media advertising.

Knowing the latest social media statistics can assist small businesses in improving their digital marketing strategy, ensuring they engage a broader audience and stay top of mind with their current customers. With the world adapting to a new post-pandemic way of life, it has become even more critical to have an active social media presence. We hope these social media statistics to know for Q4 can help small businesses plan their social media strategy and end the year with a bang. Get started with our affordable packages at 98 Buck Social!

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