Why You Should Schedule Your Social Media Posts

It’s hard enough remembering to post on one of your social media accounts when you have every other aspect of your business to worry about, let alone multiple accounts. Scheduling software and social media agencies exist exactly for this reason – so your social media doesn’t get forgotten in the shuffle of your daily responsibilities. Keep reading to learn more about why you should schedule your social media posts.

Opportunity to Create a More Well-Rounded Strategy

First, by batch creating your posts, you are able to see what types of content you are writing and planning to share in advance. This means you won’t accidentally post two promotional style posts in a row, which could turn away your audience. You should create a good mix of promotional and educational or otherwise interesting posts. Being able to schedule your posts also means you’ll be able to mix in carousel and video posts. Utilizing multiple post formats will help you keep your audience interested and benefit from all the different formats available to you.

More Time to Interact With Followers

When you spend less time worrying about your social media posts each week, you have more time to reply to comments and messages. This is a vital aspect of any social media strategy. It is not something that should get ignored due to lack of time, as it could reflect poorly on your business as a whole. Many consumers expect to get responses to their messages within 24 hours. If it takes you any longer than that, you could lose a customer for good or even get a negative review. 

Stay Consistent

It’s no secret that consistency is key when it comes to being successful on social media. When you’re responsible for manually posting, it can be easy to let things slide and miss a day. And who knows, maybe you’ve missed several days before you know it! Taking the time to schedule your posts ahead of time allows you to rest assured that your accounts will stay active even when life gets busy. 

Take Advantage of Peak Times

There are certain times and certain days when people are more likely to engage with your content. If you want to maximize the reach and engagement of your posts, posting during these peak times is very important. But if you need to manually post on each social media platform, it is almost impossible to keep up with these optimal times. By scheduling posts ahead of time, you don’t have to worry about being free to post at specific times or on certain days. Scheduling will make sure your posts go out, even if you are in a meeting, traveling, or simply otherwise busy.

Higher Quality Posts

Finally, all of the above benefits add up to one very important thing: higher quality posts. When you’re not scrambling at the last minute to come up with what today’s post is going to be, you can really think about what you’re creating and make sure it is the best it can be. For example, you can spend time researching post topics, looking up additional facts, or even simply getting more creative. Typically, you can expect that extra effort to be reflected in your engagement levels.

98 Buck Social Takes Scheduling to the Next Level

As you can see, being able to schedule your social media posts has a lot of benefits. 98 Buck Social can do even better than that by taking the creation of posts off of your plate altogether. Our service allows you to regain all of the time you currently spend on social media to spend elsewhere. We will create and schedule everything for you, with some plans even allowing you to review, edit, and approve everything ahead of time. Learn more about our services today.

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