Reasons to Use Video in Your Marketing Strategy

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Video is a must-have in today’s marketing environment. The rise of video marketing has happened quickly and shows no signs of slowing down. Even still, you might have questions about whether your business really needs to use it to be successful. The answer is simple: yes! But if you’re not convinced yet, keep reading to learn several reasons why you should be including it in your strategy.

Why You Should Use Video

Among countless other benefits, these are our favorite reasons you should begin creating videos for your business.

Video Boosts Conversions and Sales

Put simply, videos can make you some serious money, since it has a huge effect on sales and conversions. For example, adding a video of your product on your website’s landing page can increase your conversions by up to 80%!

Video also has the potential to lead directly to sales. Some studies have shown that nearly three-quarters of users who viewed an explainer video about a product or service ended up buying it. When you think about it, this makes complete sense. Vision is the most dominant sense for people, as most information that goes to our brain is visual. So if a picture is worth 1,000 words, a video is worth at least 10,000!

Video Has Great ROI

Video might have a great effect on sales and engagement, but is it worth the time and monetary investment? You’ll be happy to hear that the majority of businesses say yes. While video isn’t always the easiest or cheapest form of content, it pays off big time. And there’s great news if you haven’t tried out video editing tools in a while – they’re always getting better. Today, you don’t need a fancy camera or soundstage to create engaging and effective videos. In most cases, your smartphone alone will work.

Even better news is that perfection is not the goal with video. It’s about the content itself that matters, not the perfect lighting or editing. In fact, many of today’s users prefer imperfect videos over perfect ones. Think about it this way: video is like pizza. Even when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good!

Video Builds Trust

The foundation of conversions and sales is trust. However, building trust is quite a difficult task on its own. But like every other type of content marketing, video marketing is all about building trust and creating long-term relationships. You should stop spending your time selling and instead let people come to you by providing interesting and useful information. 

However, there is still a place for promotional videos. These can foster trust as well. Particularly if you’re selling products online, a lot of consumers are skeptical about purchasing online, as they fear they may not be buying a legitimate product. But an effective video will present your products in a way that gives consumers more confidence in their purchase.

Mobile Users Love Video

Mobile devices and video go hand in hand, as 90% of consumers watch videos on their mobile devices. Because people like watching videos on the go and the number of smartphone users is always increasing, your potential video audience just keeps getting bigger and bigger. 

Google has also presented valuable research that smartphone users are twice as likely as TV viewers to feel a personal connection to brands that use video content. And people are nearly twice as likely to watch ads on their mobile devices compared to TV or desktop users. Videos that are created for mobile devices first are especially effective.

Video Encourages Social Shares

Videos on social media get 1,200% more shares than text and image content combined!

One important thing to remember is that people share emotions, not facts. Three-quarters of users say they would share a brand’s video if it was entertaining. Facts and information alone will not do the trick. You need to also make it fun, entertaining, moving, or emotional.

It Improves Brand Recall

If you want a consumer to remember you even long after they’ve viewed your content, video is the way to go. Attractive visuals and sounds help users to remember your content and therefore your brand. Companies that are just starting out can benefit greatly from increasing brand awareness and recall through video content.

Begin Using Video In Your Marketing Strategy Today

We hope that by now you see the importance of using video marketing for your business. If you’d like to add it to your strategy, 98 Buck Social can help you. We can take on the responsibility for you or take over your static image posting so that you can focus on the videos you want to create for your business.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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