Tips to Protect Your Brand’s Reputation

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Your brand’s reputation online is incredibly important to maintain since most shoppers start their buying journey online. What is seen online creates the story around your business and impacts your affordable social media marketing. Do you have a plan in place for online risk?

Brand Reputation and Safety

In a moment, someone can leave a negative review on social media or your ad could appear near harmful content. This can have a huge impact on your brand’s reputation. What do you do? It is essential to have a plan!

How to Stay Safe Online


Facebook’s platforms offer safety controls for your ads! You can control where your ad appears by specifying content topic, format, and source.


Twitter has been actively working towards making its platform a safe space and kicking off harmful accounts and bots. They also offer content moderation features for brands and communities.


Did you know that YouTube was the first digital platform to receive brand safety accreditation from the Media Rating Council? For the last two years, the platform has worked hard to keep viewers and brands safe. YouTube is a Google site so they have many of the same safety features Google provides!


TikTok is still a relatively young platform, but they are working to make it safe for brands’ cheap social media marketing. They have pre- and post-bid tools to make creating an ad on TikTok safe.

Create Safety Guidelines for Your Brand

Define your brand standards. While there are some generally agreed-upon standards for inappropriate content, this can be personalized to your brand. If you focus on sustainability, you probably don’t want your ads showing up next to content about fossil fuels.

Create a response strategy. You will want your team to work as fast as possible when a negative event arises to help protect your brand reputation. Creating an actionable strategy makes your process seamless and will follow your chosen verbiage for an apology if it is needed in your social media posting.

Identify a point person. To avoid confusion among employees, you should have a point person to respond to a social media crisis. Once a plan is in place, they can immediately implement it to mitigate the damage that comes from that emergency.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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