How to Promote Your Sustainability on Social Media

Awareness around sustainability has grown steadily over the last few years and more and more consumers are prioritizing purchasing from companies that are “green.” It can be hard to effectively communicate your business’s values and successes, but many companies who prioritize those topics are noticing a positive impact on their sales. If your business is taking sustainable measures, these are some tips to help you market these practices to benefit your business.

Talk About Why Sustainability Is Important to You

Your customers want to know that your business is made up of real people who care about making a difference. Create social media posts that tell stories about why sustainability is important to you and your team. Within these posts, you can explain some of the steps your business is taking to make a difference in this area. Some questions you may want to answer for your customers include: What are your company’s values? How does sustainability align with these values? Why is sustainability important to your business? Doing so will help humanize your brand and build trust with discerning customers, who want to support sustainable businesses.

Share What You’re Doing

Next, you should share what steps you’re actually taking to be more sustainable. Are you using recycled materials in the manufacturing of your products? Have you implemented energy-saving practices at your office? Do you support local farmers? Whatever sustainable practices you’ve implemented into your daily operations, make sure to let your audience know about them. Sharing the things you are actually doing to be more sustainable will show that you’re serious about being environmentally friendly.

Highlight the Benefits of Sustainability

You can go one step further than saying what you’re doing to be more sustainable, you can also show others why they should do the same! Taking one of the examples from above, if you’ve started using recycled materials, mention how much waste it has helped you eliminate. They can use this information to feel good about when they purchase from you. Also, consider giving your audience tips on how they can also reduce their environmental impact. What actions can they take as well? The more information you can share with them, the more likely they’ll be to support your efforts.

Offer Incentives 

When applicable to your business, try offering incentives to get your customers to participate in your sustainable actions. For example, if you were a grocery store, you could offer a discount to customers who bring in reusable bags. If you have an online store, you could offer free shipping to customers who add one dollar to their order to plant a tree. This will even further showcase your commitment to the environment.

Sustainability on Social Media

It’s clear that sustainability is important. It’s not only the right thing to do for the environment, but it’s also good for your bottom line. Sustainable practices can help you save money on energy, resources, and more. Once you’ve implemented these practices, you can then connect with like-minded individuals and businesses as you share them on social media.

If sustainability is something you want to highlight on your social media accounts, 98 Buck Social can ensure it is an integral part of your social media marketing. We will gladly include any information you provide in your organic posts and paid advertisements. Book a call with us to learn more.

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