How to Overcome the Toughest Social Media Marketing Challenges

If you have been struggling to grow your social media presence, you are not alone. Everyone has dealt with similar issues in the past, and many accounts are even experiencing it right now. Competition on social media is only getting tougher, but there are ways to help overcome these challenges.

Common Social Media Marketing Challenges

Here, we will go through some of the common issues you may be facing and tips for overcoming them. 

Decreasing Engagement Rates

As social media platforms continue to grow, this results in lower engagement rates for brands and creators. Put simply, there is more competition than ever before. As more users join a platform and more people try to go viral, you are constantly competing with them. 

To combat your falling engagement rates, try revisiting your highest-performing content. Take a good look at what it was that made it perform so well. You can even simply update that content and present it again in the same or a very similar way to what you did before. In addition, focus on your existing followers and community. Making sure this is a positive community will do more for your engagement than trying to grow continuously. 

Difficulty Standing Out

As we said before, social media is more crowded than ever before. How will you get people to engage with your content if there are other accounts that post similar things to you? Or how can you stand out with competitors that have been building their presence longer than you? How could an account with 0 followers ever compete with one that has thousands or even millions of followers?

To stand out, you need to focus on what makes you different. Don’t try to copy what other accounts do. People are quick to catch on to copycat accounts that don’t offer anything new. Your primary goal should be to get people to engage with your content. So, use question-based content or other features that allow for direct engagement like polls. 

Not Enough Time

You are running an entire business and on top of that, you need to market your business on social media. That is a job in and of itself! It isn’t just posting. It’s also about responding to messages and comments and checking so many notifications. For every social media platform that your business is active on, that adds another huge amount of work.

This solution to not having enough time to complete all of these tasks is simple. It’s 98 Buck Social!  We can handle your daily social media posting across whatever platforms you like to use. What is left for you is the fun part of social media: connecting with customers!

Running Out of Ideas

Coming up with fresh content ideas is hard, especially when you are handling other aspects of your business. It takes time to know what to post, and keep up with trends. You can’t just post once and expect to go viral. And even if you do, your new followers expect consistent posts. You’re not alone if you struggle to keep up with all of this.

Again, 98 Buck Social’s affordable social media marketing services can help with this! Our social media managers know the trends and always keep your content fresh. With the guidelines you provide, we will post relevant content to your accounts to entertain your current followers and help build your presence. And depending on which service level you choose, it may even require no work from you!

Lack of Growth

Do you feel like your brand is on autopilot when it comes to social media? You continue sharing posts but are no longer seeing the same growth. A lot of businesses fall into this kind of routine. It makes social media posting simple, but it does not increase you following. 

Overcoming this lack of growth is difficult, but not impossible. You should start by checking your analytics to see what works and what doesn’t. Auditing your social media platforms will guide your strategy moving forward. Get rid of the types of content that don’t work anymore and add fresher content. In addition, experiment with post styles out of your comfort zone.

98 Buck Social Can Help With Your Social Media Marketing Challenges

If there’s anyone who understands how difficult social media marketing can be, it’s us. It’s what we do all day every day! And it only gets more difficult when you have so many other responsibilities on your plate. There simply aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done – and done well. However, our affordable social media marketing services allow you to cross one of those tasks off of your to-do list. We can take care of daily posts for you, so you can focus on other areas that you know better. In addition, we can also take care of your social media advertising, SEO, and blog writing. Check out all of our services today!

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