New LinkedIn Carousel Posts

Certain social media platforms tend to be behind the rest for features, but eventually, they catch up. The name “Carousel Post” came from Instagram originally, but Facebook has allowed more than one photo per post for much longer with the album uploads. Now LinkedIn is testing its new social media posting style.

What’s New

While the update is not ready for everyone just yet, LinkedIn is testing Carousel posts for certain users. Before this feature, the only way to upload more than one image was to upload a PDF. It would show each individual slide as its own image when you opened the slideshow.

Sharing helpful information in an image format can now include more photos with Carousel posts on LinkedIn! These posts offer more opportunities for engagement, so it is great the platform has made it simpler to share this way.

Tips for Carousel Posts

Use AIDA. The AIDA strategy is incredibly useful in your affordable social media strategy. It means:

  • Attention
  • Interest
  • Details/Desire
  • Action

Your first image in your Carousel post should capture the user’s attention to make them stop. Then increase interest in your post. Next, provide the details of your key message. Finally, ask them to take action using powerful calls to action. How you break down the slides depends on how long your message is.

Ask the reader to swipe through. To build engagement, you should always tell the user what they should do when they reach your post. Include instructions to swipe through the photos in your carousel. This can be done in the first photo or in your caption.

Provide a lot of value. Carousel posts give you plenty of room to pack a bunch of helpful information. Use that precious real estate for something that users will find impactful. The content should also be easily digestible so the audience can properly understand it.

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