The Ideal Length for Social Media Posts

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Have you been wondering how long your social media posts should be? We have done the work for you! Even if you are given more room to write, you probably shouldn’t use it. Most people lose attention quickly so these are the ideal lengths for your social media posting!


Text Post: 1-80 characters. This may shock you because you are allowed a lot of space, but there are a couple of reasons for this length. First, if you write more, the reader will have to click “See More.” To do this they have to be very interested so you have to work harder to captivate them. Second, it takes more brainpower for people to understand more text. It is best to get your point across as fast as possible.

Video: 30-60 seconds. You can upload a 240-minute video, but you are going to get far more engagement with a short 30-60 second video. It is easier to retain viewers if they don’t have to watch long videos.


Post caption: 150 characters. Most people scroll through Instagram quickly so it is best to make your captions on the shorter side. It is easier to consume and doesn’t get cut off by the ellipse.

Video: 15 seconds. For all types of videos on Instagram (Stories, Reels, and In-Feed), 15 seconds is the ideal length. Most people watch on their phones and on the go.


Post: 25 words. The limit before a user has to click “See More” is 140 characters, so a shorter post is more likely to reach more people. If you want to share more, LinkedIn has Articles!

Article: 1,900-2000 words. Thankfully people appreciate longer and more informative content for articles.

Video: 30 seconds. LinkedIn shared that the best ads are 15 seconds but videos that build brand awareness are 30 seconds. This should be your goal when recording and editing your LinkedIn videos.


Post: 100 characters. Shorter Tweets are easier to read and understand. The character limit is 280 but users seem to prefer 100 characters. If you have lots of information to share, you can do a thread!

Hashtag: 6 characters. The best Twitter hashtags are those that are a single word instead of a phrase.

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