Can You Use Instagram for B2B Marketing?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Many people have long believed that Instagram was best used for B2C marketing. The truth is, B2B brands benefit from building their brands on Instagram too! If you are still unsure, here is some information as to why you should market your business on the most popular photo-sharing app:

Why B2B Businesses Should Use Instagram

It’s where your customers are spending time online. Instagram has about one billion monthly users. And they aren’t only following their friends and family! More than half of their users follow brands too.

Visual content helps every step of the buying process. While posting photos may seem hard for companies that don’t sell physical products, Instagram also has many video options available. This is a great way to showcase your services, explain the benefits, or your expertise.

You get access to huge audiences for Instagram ads. Organic social media posting is essential for long-term growth, but paid ads help increase your reach in the short term. Because there are so many users worldwide, you can select a clear target audience.

Tips for B2B Instagram Marketing

If you have decided you should start marketing your B2B business on Instagram, here are some tips to get you started:

Set clear goals and define your audience. What are you trying to achieve in your Instagram marketing? You can have many goals or just one, but what you share to your profile will be determined by your goals. Try to set trackable goals. Instagram has a Business Profile option where you have access to analytical data about your account.

Have a link in bio. Unfortunately, the only Instagram posts that allow links are Stories, so you need to have a link in your bio to direct people where you’d like them to go. If you have many different places you like to direct people, there are free programs that build a link page (kind of like a directory).

Re-use content. A great affordable social media tip is to repurpose content you have used for other things. This can be sales sheets, instructional training materials, interview articles, research, or blog posts.

Research current Instagram trends. Part of social media marketing will always include awareness of trends. The posts that can perform the best are adapted to the current trends. This can be within your own industry or in pop culture.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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