Ideas for Your Twitter Bio

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Your Twitter bio is where you get to introduce yourself to new audience members that discover you from your tweets! You have complete control over what you say to the world in your bio. Some brands keep it simple with a single emoji while others have trouble staying within the character limit. You have 160 characters to work with so here are some tips for using the precious real estate in your Twitter bio!

Tips for Your Twitter Bio

Choose a tone. How you write in your bio portrays what your business is. These are a few tones you can choose from:

  • Include important information about your business, product, or mission. This style of bio helps people know exactly what to expect from your business and social media posting.
  • If your brand is fun and silly, a friendly tone will work best for you. This style is less informative and more entertaining.
  • B2B businesses tend to lean toward professional bios. You won’t see any emojis or puns in these kinds of bios.

Link to other accounts. On your Twitter bio, you can include a link to your products or website. Even though you can include links in your tweets, you should still include a general link to what you would like new audience members to see when they find your profile.

Highlight achievements. To build authority in your brand, include any big achievements. It’s okay to brag about yourself a little! You can build your reputation online and give people a reason to follow you. You only have 160 characters so choose the ones you are most proud of.

Use keywords. Your bio is searchable! Using high-quality keywords can help your account get discovered in users’ searches and increase your reach. If it matches your tone, you can use hashtags as your keywords to increase your searchability. This will help you make the most of your affordable social media strategy![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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