How to Succeed on TikTok

TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms out there, which means your business probably needs to be on it. One great thing about TikTok is that it is a completely unique platform. The strategies and content that work on Facebook and Instagram, for example, likely won’t work on TikTok. It gives you a whole new place to try things out and introduce your brand to people. While there’s no one-size-fits-all way to succeed on TikTok, using these tips will help you make the most of this exciting platform.

Create Unique and Relevant Content

One of the golden rules of TikTok is that you can’t simply repost content you have previously shared on other platforms. Taking a video you posted on Facebook and copying and pasting it into TikTok will not work. If you want to use your old content, you’ll need to repurpose it. You can take the same themes from past content and simply adapt it to the TikTok format. Remember that TikTok is largely a short-form video platform, which means you need to make your content attention-grabbing and on-trend if you want people to watch the entire video. If you’re not sure where to start with creating content, check out what other brands in your industry are doing on the platform. This will give you a good idea of what performs well and what doesn’t. 

Add Music and Effects to Your Videos

TikTok started as an app called and even now, music remains an important aspect of their platform. They have a larger database of music than Instagram does and many up-and-coming musicians upload their songs in hopes of being part of a new trend. When adding sounds to your videos, make sure they are from the commercially licensed library. If they are not, you run the risk of getting in trouble for copyright infringement.

Optimize the Platform’s Publishing Features

Before you hit “post,” make sure you look through every step of the publishing section. TikTok captions can now be up to 2,200 characters so you don’t need to limit your caption to be short and sweet. Feel free to add as much text as fits the video itself. In addition, don’t forget to add hashtags. If relevant, you may also want to tag influencers or businesses you are collaborating with. Finally, enable the duet and stitch features on your post to allow other users to interact with your video in ways that aren’t possible on other platforms.

Encourage User-Generated Content

User-generated content should always be part of your social media posting because it builds trust in your brand. To encourage people to make content about your business, create a hashtag challenge or ask people who have purchased from you to make videos and use your hashtag. When you repost their videos, it makes your existing customers happy you offered them recognition. The more your customers create user-generated content, the more free marketing you can get for your business!

Advertise on the Platform

TikTok allows businesses to advertise on their platform in a way that is seamless with a user’s feed. In-feed ads roll as full-screen videos between the ones a user scrolls through. Users may not even realize what they are viewing is an ad at first. You can also sponsor existing videos that are relevant to your company. In addition, “Brand Takeovers” is a type of full-screen ad that shows when users open the app or click on a specific hashtag.  

Analyze Your Results 

Just like any other social media platform, regularly analyze your performance on TikTok. Doing so allows you to fine-tune your strategy as needed. Luckily, TikTok makes this easy. They provide detailed insights into the performance of your videos, including how many views they’ve received, how many likes and comments they’ve gotten, and how long people are watching them. Use this data to focus your content strategy on the content that performs the best.

TikTok for Your Business

TikTok has opened up a whole new world of opportunities for businesses. You can truly use it to your advantage by creating unique and relevant content, adding music and effects, optimizing the platform’s publishing features, encouraging user-generated content, and advertising. If you haven’t started creating your presence on TikTok yet, now is the time to start.  

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