How to Be Authentic on Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool that can be used to build relationships, showcase your brand, and share what matters most to you. As this has become more common, consumers are pickier than ever when it comes to who they want to support. This is where authenticity comes in. Luckily, social media offers you a perfect place to showcase your authenticity. However, it can be difficult to remain authentic while still connecting with your audience. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the five key steps you need to take in order to be genuine and authentic on social media.

Be Consistent

Being consistent is key when it comes to expressing yourself authentically online. You want people to recognize your posts and associate them with your brand. One way you can do this is through consistency. Make sure that you’re sticking to a regular posting schedule, so your followers know when to expect posts from you. One way to stay on a posting schedule is to create a content calendar. You can use that to plan ahead, so you are never left trying to post something last-minute.

Being consistent also refers to your messaging. If you say something one day and then contradict it the next day, it will be extremely confusing to your audience. Ensure that you choose a consistent message as well as a consistent tone in all of your posts.

Be Transparent

People are able to pick up when brands aren’t showing their true colors online. Your followers want to feel like they can trust you, so make sure that you’re honest about who you are and what you do. That means being transparent about things like pricing, customer service, product or service details, etc. Don’t be afraid to admit mistakes or apologize on your social media pages. The way you act and interact online should all be in line with your business’s overall mission and values.

Be Responsive

Although many social media users use platforms to do research, they also use social media to talk to brands and leave feedback. When they do so, they expect to hear back from the brand. Check your comments and messages regularly and respond as quickly as you can. Most users expect responses within 24-48 hours. It shows people that their opinion matters, which goes a long way toward building trust. 

Listen and Learn

Social media is more than just a microphone for your business. It’s also an incredibly powerful listening tool. Pay attention to what people are saying about your company online, both good and bad. This will give you valuable insight into how people perceive your brand and what areas could use improvement. 

You’ll also want to spend some time focusing on what people are saying about your industry at large. Do people have common complaints about your competitors? How can you use this information to create a better experience for your customers? This practice can help you identify trends that you should take part in on your accounts. Finally, you should also reflect on how your past content performed. Why do you think it was successful or unsuccessful?

98 Buck Social Helps You Stay Authentic

When you are authentic online, you can feel confident that every post reflects who you really are while still engaging with followers in meaningful ways. Over time, you’ll notice that you’ve created a strong, positive relationship with your audience. We mentioned how important consistency is to your authenticity, so if that is something you struggle with, 98 Buck Social is here to help. With our social media posting service, you can rest assured that you will get posts 3 to 5 posts every single week on your accounts, creating that much-needed consistency. Plus, we’re happy to implement any additional messaging in your social media posts so that you can remain authentic online. Contact us to learn more about our plans today.

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