5 Tips to Get More Followers on TikTok

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Now that TikTok has become a more established platform for social media posting, it is much more saturated than it was when it first became popular. This makes it much harder to grow your following and get noticed. To get more followers on TikTok, you need to be more intentional with your strategy. Here are some tips to help your brand’s growth:

Define your target audience. If you have been posting to TikTok without a plan, defining your audience is your first step to getting on track with a growth strategy. As much as you wish your content will resonate with every single human using the app, it just won’t. Take some time to think about who will like your content most. The ultimate goal on TikTok is to end up on the For You Page. This is very specific to each user so lean into your niche and your videos will show up on your ideal audience’s For You Page.

Post what they want to see. Now that you know who your audience is, you need to post what they like. Not sure what that is? Ask them! Ask your followers on other platforms what they like to watch on TikTok. If you don’t have a following on other social media platforms, check out your competition. Don’t copy their content outright but take inspiration and use the same hashtags they use.

Watch what your competition is doing. Watching your competitors succeed can be hard, but it is a great way to see how they became successful on TikTok. They have done it which means you can too! Each of us is unique and our brands bring something different to users. Your competitors have done the hard work starting before you, which gives you a leg up in your TikTok journey.

Research Gen Z. Gen Z is the largest age group on TikTok. This platform is where you will want to market your brand if you have been wanting to reach them. Spend some time researching their values and how they engage with content. You will find they consume content differently and watch branded videos differently to other older generations.

Participate in relevant challenges. Before creating your own branded challenges, participate! Joining in on relevant challenges will show users your business is authentic and your personality will shine through. TikTok is a casual social media platform, you don’t need to post super-polished videos for your cheap social media strategy to succeed![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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