Fun Ideas for Your Instagram Reels

Reels are one of Instagram’s best features. These are short, 15 to 30 second, videos that rival TikTok. They often have a voice-over, music, or other trending sounds, similar to TikTok. If you have content you want to share that doesn’t make sense in your regular social media content, this can be a fun way to experiment! Reels are a very good way to expand your audience on Instagram and potentially grow your following. Looking for some fun ideas for your own Instagram Reels? Keep reading! 

Meet the Team

Customers love to see the people behind the companies they support. Reels are an effective way to do this, which doesn’t take too much time or effort. There are a few ways you can use Reels to meet your team. Because the videos are short, you can do a quick introduction of your staff along with a couple of short, snappy fun facts about them. If you want to get more detailed, you can create a series of videos, with each one focusing on an individual employee.

Show How to Make a Product

Showcase the process of creating a product! For example, maybe your business is a restaurant and you make a video that shows how an order goes from being ordered online to being delivered. Or, if you make clothing, show how the garment goes from a roll of fabric to a wearable item! Obviously, you don’t have to share any secret ingredients or processes that are unique to your business. But behind-the-scenes videos that give an inside look into companies continue to be very popular.

Follow a Trend

Like TikTok, there are certain social media trends that occur on Reels. Occasionally, they may start on TikTok and make their way to Reels after a few weeks. Or, they could be exclusive to Instagram Reels. As you’re scrolling through Reels for yourself, take note of any trends that you continue to see and think about how you could make it relevant to your business. However, don’t feel like you need to hop on every trend that you see. You should only stick with the ones that fit your brand.

Answer a FAQ

There are without a doubt some questions that your company gets asked time and time again.  Do your customers – and yourself – a favor by answering some of these questions in your Instagram Reels. Think about answering questions like what your hours of operation are, who your founders are, and more in engaging videos. 

Repurpose Content

This is how you work smarter, not harder. Use your most liked posts and recreate them as Reels. You can also use your best blog posts and adapt them into videos. This is a very easy way to supplement your other video ideas, with content that you already know performed well. You can also direct people to those blog posts with call-to-actions to get more views on your blog posts!

Take Requests

If you see a comment on your video with a fun idea or interesting question, use it. Think of these comments as your followers giving you free ideas for your Instagram Reels! It works for you by getting new content but also shows anyone watching that you are listening and appreciate their feedback.

Mix Up Your Content With Instagram Reels

There are so many different platforms to juggle when it comes to social media marketing and Reels is just one of them. If you feel overwhelmed by all of these platforms, let 98 Buck Social help! Our social media management services ensure you have a presence on all of the main platforms, so you don’t miss out on reaching your target audience. 

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