Fresh Content Ideas For Your Business’ Social Media

As a small business owner, creating fresh and engaging content for your business’s social media can be a challenge. It’s easy to fall into the trap of posting the same old content or even forgetting to post altogether. However, with a little creativity, you can easily spice up your social media presence and engage with your audience in new, exciting ways. In this blog post, we’ll go over some fresh content ideas for your business’ social media that will keep your followers engaged and excited.

Create behind-the-scenes content

Give your audience a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes. Share photos and videos of your office, your team, and your manufacturing process. Showcasing the inner workings of your business humanizes your brand and increases transparency.

Share user-generated Content

Nothing is more authentic than user-generated content (UGC). Encourage your followers to create content around your brand and share it with you by using a specific hashtag. Reposting UGC not only shows appreciation to your customers but also helps you reach a wider audience

Share customer testimonials

Social proof is a powerful tool when it comes to building trust with potential customers. Share customer testimonials on your social media pages to give your followers a glimpse into the positive experiences others have had with your brand. Not only will this build trust, but it will also encourage others to interact with your brand and potentially become customers themselves.

Start a series

A series of posts can keep your audience engaged over a longer period. It could be a weekly blog post, a monthly video, or a daily quote series. Having a set schedule for these types of posts builds anticipation and helps your audience know what to expect.

Share your experiences and perspectives

Share your thoughts and experiences on current events, news, and trends that are relevant to your industry. Don’t be afraid to express your opinions on topics that matter to you. Authenticity and transparency build trust with your audience.

Use humor

Humor is always a crowd-pleaser. Adding a touch of humor to your posts can make your brand more relatable and approachable. Just make sure to stay within the boundaries of your brand’s personality and values.

Polls and surveys

Engage with your audience by asking for their opinions through polls and surveys on your social media pages. This is a quick and easy way to receive feedback from your followers and get them involved in your brand. You could use this to gather insight on new products or services you’re considering, or even just to get a general idea of what your audience is interested in.

How-to videos

How-to videos are a great way to showcase your expertise in your industry while also providing value to your followers. Consider creating short tutorials on how to use your products or services, or how to solve common problems related to your industry. Not only are these videos helpful to your followers, but they can also position your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

Host contests and giveaways

Contests and giveaways are a fun way to engage with your audience and create buzz around your brand. You could host a photo contest, asking your followers to submit pictures of themselves using your products, for example. Or, you could simply host a giveaway, encouraging your followers to like, share, and comment on your posts for a chance to win a prize. Make sure the prize is relevant and valuable to your followers to ensure maximum participation.

Showcase your team

As a small business, your team is an integral part of your brand. Consider showcasing your team on social media, whether through behind-the-scenes photos, employee spotlights, or team interviews. Not only will this give your followers a glimpse into your company culture, but it will also humanize your brand and make it more relatable.

Staying consistent, relevant and interesting on social media can be a challenge, but with these fresh content ideas for your business’ social media, you have plenty of options to keep your audience engaged. Don’t have the time to stay consistent on social media? Let the experts at 98 Buck Social do it for you!

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