Common Questions

We have new clients complete a survey that allows them to tell us more about their business and what makes it unique.

Furthermore, we will review your website to have a better understanding of the verbiage and vibe you currently showcase to potential customers.

Photography Questions

That depends on how you want to approach your marketing campaign. We can use your photos and we also have paid stock libraries where we have royalties.

We also create custom graphics specific to your business and brand.

We offer product photography services, corporate portraits (teams, business owners, CEO), food and drinks photos, and more.

The reason customers keep coming back is they get share-worthy snaps, a collaborative approach, and a complete narrative for their business. We have the right flair to shoot picture-perfect team shots, tasty dishes, lifestyle portraits, and crisp product photos. You always get publication-quality results.

Commercial photography is about the creation of photos for company branding and marketing or other commercial purposes. The photos may include objects, people, or both. Whether that be fashion, food, nature, architecture, or people, the goal is to sell a service or product.

Commercial photography helps in showcasing your brand, teams, and products in a professional manner. It helps promote and sell products through a variety of mediums, including corporate publications, brochures, digital advertising, and magazines.

SEO Questions

Having a Google My Business profile essentially adds your business to a directory that contains your name, address, phone number, hours, and more. Google prioritizes these listings for local searches, showing up on search engine results pages and Google Maps, both on desktop and mobile.

Local SEO is important for any business that serves a particular geographic area. It helps users who live in and search from the area discover your business.

On-page or on-site SEO covers any work that is done on your actual website. This includes things such as titles, tags, descriptions, website structure, and more. Off-page SEO refers to all work that does not take place directly on your website. This can include link building, social sharing, bookmarking, and more.

No company can guarantee that your website will show up on the first page of search results for any search. However, doing the correct SEO work can greatly improve your chances of ranking high.

Social Advertising Questions

Yes! We specialize in crafting high-performing paid social media advertising campaigns across various platforms. We help you target the right audience with laser precision, create compelling ad copy that resonates, and optimize campaigns for maximum reach and conversions.

Social Advertising Questions

We use Cloud Campaign, which is a 3rd party app, to scale social media management and posting. When a post says “Posted by Cloud Campaign”, it is only the admins of your company page that can see this and not your followers.

We are fortunate partner with Cloud Campaign to utilize their excellent scheduling platform.

By signing up for our content services, we will set you up with your own Cloud Campaign workspace.

This will give you the ability to simply sync your business pages to your workspace meaning we do not require admin access or login credentials!

Furthermore, with your own workspace you are welcome to view and edit content at your leisure!

The idea behind consistent posting onto your social media pages is to keep them active with content that promotes your business solutions, educates your audience to showcase your expertise and to also keep things lighthearted, it’s social media after all!

There’s nothing worse for a business than to earn someone looking into what you do, only for them to see a barren social media page. To them, it may appear that you are out of business or potentially a scam.

We are often asked about growing followers and generating sales or leads. These are great goals to have but please understand that those goals are better obtained through paid advertising campaigns.

For more information on paid advertising, please visit our paid advertising services.

Content review and approval is where your social media content creator sends you a weeks worth of posts, prior to their designated publication time the following week.

This way, you will have the chance to give us feedback on each post in case you’d like us to make a minor edit.

Note: One round of editing per post permitted

As mentioned above, depending on your plan, we can use whatever you’d like to provide us! If not, we’ll resort to using your website or our royalty free library.

That being said, we can come up with custom graphics that suit your branding style as an add-on to your posting subscription.

$98/month for 3 custom graphics each week
$148/month for 5 custom graphics each week
$98/month for 2 premium custom graphics per month

Note: The cost of custom graphics is on top of your monthly subscription cost

By default, we can use the photos you have on your website as well as utilizing the plethora of photos available to us within our royalty free library.

If you have photos or videos for us to use, depending on your subscription, we welcome you to upload them into a Google Drive folder and share that link with us!

Looking for custom videos?  Some of our plans include videos or you can add them to any plan starting at $98/mo!

Not looking for content services but interested in a posting platform? No problem

Sign up for a 98 Buck Dashboard account and begin posting to all social media platforms in minutes. Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and more.

The best part is once you’re ready for us to manage your content you’re already set up in the system.

The cost is only $29/month. Signup today and start posting.

Grow your Instagram with REAL followers that will like, comment and engage with your content. This is a proprietary Marketing Service partner updated to work with the latest Instagram Algorithm updates. This service uses a team of hand-trained Instagram Marketers to manage and grow your account. No bots, automation or false promises. Learn more about this service

Click the link below to enroll with our partner, Socialboost. Plans start at $59/mo.


Boost your brand, engage your audience, and drive results with social media marketing (SMM)! SMM leverages social media platforms to connect with your target audience, build brand awareness, increase engagement, and drive sales. It involves creating and sharing valuable content, interacting with followers, and running targeted ads.

In today’s digital landscape, social media is where your customers are. SMM helps you reach them directly, build relationships, and establish your brand as a thought leader. It can also boost website traffic, generate leads, and increase sales.

The best platforms for you depend on your target audience, industry, and business goals. We help you identify the platforms where your audience is most active and develop a tailored strategy for each.

SMM costs vary depending on your needs and goals. We offer flexible packages and transparent pricing to fit your budget. Contact us for a free consultation and quote.

Results vary depending on your industry, competition, and investment. However, we track key metrics and provide regular reports showing increased engagement, website traffic, and leads.

No! We help businesses of all sizes build their social media presence from the ground up. We develop engaging content strategies and run targeted ads to attract new followers and convert them into customers.

We track key metrics like engagement, reach, impressions, website traffic, leads, and sales. We provide regular reports and insights to help you measure the success of your campaign and optimize your strategy for better results.

Absolutely! Our dedicated team of community managers ensures your social media presence thrives by promptly responding to comments and messages, moderating discussions for a positive and inclusive environment, and fostering active engagement through interactive activities like contests and polls.

Yes! Our experienced content creators develop engaging and shareable content tailored to your target audience and brand, utilizing various formats like text, images, videos, and infographics. We create a consistent content calendar for regular posting and maximize engagement.

We understand the critical need for quick and effective response during social media crises. Our proven process involves identifying and mitigating potential issues, crafting empathetic, transparent, and brand-consistent responses, and communicating openly with your audience to maintain trust and rebuild relationships.

We have extensive experience working with businesses in diverse industries. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities specific to your industry and leverage our expertise to develop a successful SMM strategy tailored to your needs.

Yes! We provide detailed reports and analytics that track key metrics and showcase the performance of your SMM campaigns. We utilize these insights to optimize your strategy for improved results and keep you informed of your progress.

Whether you want to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate leads, or boost sales, SMM can help you achieve it. We work with you to define your goals and develop a customized strategy that leverages the right platforms and tactics.

Yes! We specialize in crafting high-performing paid social media advertising campaigns across various platforms. We help you target the right audience with laser precision, create compelling ad copy that resonates, and optimize campaigns for maximum reach and conversions.