How to Create Engaging Content for Your Facebook Business Page

Your Facebook business page is the perfect platform to reach out to potential customers and build relationships between your business and customers. However, creating content that’s engaging and encourages interaction from your followers isn’t always easy. How can you make sure that people are actually reading your posts – and better yet, are engaging with them? Well, it’s all about experimenting and finding which types of content work best for your business. If you need a little bit of help knowing which types of content to try out, keep reading.

Talk About Trending Topics 

Staying up-to-date on the latest trending topics online. You never know when these topics could come in handy for your own page. It is easy to find inspiration to help you create interesting posts that keep your audience engaged.

Go Behind-the-Scenes

Another great engaging content idea is behind-the-scenes content from your business. You might show photos of how products are made, introduce your employees, or even share bloopers from past social media posts.

Share Curated Content

You can also share content that you curate from other sources. This is an excellent way to add value to your page and keep things fresh. Just make sure that whatever you share is relevant to your target audience and provides valuable insights or tips they can use. 

Tell Stories

Customers love when businesses can get personal with their audience. Specifically, stories are especially impactful for small businesses. Over time, these stories can create a very close relationship between a small business and its Facebook followers. Some stories you may want to tell include how your business started, the hardest parts of being a business owner, and the challenges you’ve recently faced. 

Ask for Feedback

People like feeling like their opinion matters. So, don’t be afraid to ask for their opinions from time to time! It could be as simple as asking “What do you think?” after sharing a post or poll. Or it could also be something like setting up a survey with specific questions about how people feel about certain products or changes in the industry. 

Include Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

CTAs are essential if you want people to take the next step after reading a post. Whenever possible, your posts should include CTAs! These could be something as simple as “Click here” or “Learn more,” but it should clearly explain what action readers should take next if they’re interested in learning more about something. 

Post Videos

We couldn’t talk about engaging Facebook content without discussing videos. Facebook has really leaned into the increasing popularity of video content, even including an entire “Watch” section in their app. Your videos don’t have to be perfectly polished to be effective. A lot of users actually prefer the simpler and less edited types of videos. We bet that when you start posting videos more, you’ll see improved engagement across the board.

Run Contests or Giveaways

Finally, one of the most surefire ways to get people to like and comment on your Facebook posts is to run contests or giveaways. Besides improving your engagement, these can also increase our brand’s reach, awareness, and followers. However, make sure your prize is something that your target audience will be interested in. Keep it relevant to your audience so that the engagement you do get from it is valuable and the new followers you get will actually stick around.

98 Buck Social Creates Engaging Facebook Content for You

Creating engaging content for your Facebook business page doesn’t have to be difficult. All it takes is a little bit of creativity and experimentation! Try out some of these tips for yourself today and see how they can help boost your page’s engagement. But if you’re tired of doing all of the social media posting for your business by yourself, 98 Buck Social is here to help. Our team of social media experts can create high-quality content that gets your brand name out there and improves your online presence. Learn more about our services today.

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