4 Ways Content Marketing Benefits Your Business

Social media content marketing is a must-have for businesses today, with good reason. Marketing itself has evolved on these digital platforms and has changed into a storytelling, brand experience that every business owner should utilize. Your audience is ready and waiting for you on social media, you just have to be ready to meet them there.

Since most social media platforms are free to use, content marketing on social media gives business owners the most bang for their buck. It’s also shown to be far more effective than most other marketing strategies, with returns that can actually compound over time. Still not convinced? Here are four of the most important ways social media content marketing can benefit your business.

Stand Out from the Crowd

No matter what product or service you’re providing, it’s likely that someone else is offering something similar. In a world where people are accosted by advertising at every turn, an effective social media content marketing strategy can help your brand stand out from the crowd.

Articles and blog posts are extremely effective ways to market to your target audience, because not only do they position you as a trusted expert in your field, but they can also help build your online presence. Search engine crawlers are designed to recognize web pages that are frequently updated with relevant content. When you have a quality content strategy in place, you will be rewarded with better search engine optimization (SEO) rankings.

Build Your Network

The connections you make through social media can boost your brand in a profound way. Imagine the benefits of joining forces with complementary businesses and cross-promoting your products and services. Now add industry thought-leaders, journalists, social media influencers, and even celebrities to the mix. It’s easy to see how a powerful network such as this can greatly intensify your marketing results.

Create Solid Connections

Engaging with your potential customers through social media allows you to connect on a personal level. People prefer to do business with other people, rather than with a faceless company. Use social media to humanize your brand. By doing so, you’ll build a sense of trust and loyalty that simply isn’t available through other marketing platforms.

Social media is also one of the only marketing methods that allow for instant, two-way communication. Take advantage of this by encouraging user comments, feedback, and user-generated content. If there’s a problem, handle it immediately and ensure it’s resolved to the customer’s satisfaction. Build a reputation for being responsive and doing what’s right. You’ll soon find that you’ve built an extremely loyal customer base.  

Level the Playing Field

Content marketing through social media platforms allows even the smallest business to compete in the same space as major corporations. If you have the time and skills to create content and manage your social media platforms, you can essentially launch your campaign with no marketing budget at all. If you do have a budget, adding Facebook advertising to your strategy can boost your posts and grow your reach exponentially.

98 Buck Social Can Execute Your Content Marketing Plan

For many busy business owners, it’s far more efficient to outsource content creation and social media marketing. At a starting price of $98 per month, 98 Buck Social can help you achieve consistent content on your favorite social media platforms. We can also assist with paid social advertising, search engine optimization, and text message marketing. Get in touch with us to begin experiencing how social media content marketing can help take your business to the next level.  

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