Should You Add a Blog to Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Blogging predates social media by a couple of years, starting in 1994! Adding a blog to your business website has a whole host of benefits you get to enjoy! As a business owner, you know a lot about your products and industry. This information is exactly what you can use to blog.

Benefits of Blogs for Your Business

Drives traffic to your website. The primary benefit of blogging is the traffic it brings to your website. Blog help increase your search engine ranking due to the use of keywords, amount of words, and shareability.

Provides more content for your social media posting. Blogging and affordable social media marketing go hand-in-hand! When you have a wealth of information in your blog, you can condense that into lots of smaller posts. This can save you time and keep your social media posting on brand!

Builds long-term results. Consistently sharing high-quality information shows your target audience your position as a thought leader in your industry. Establishing your authority takes time and blogging helps assist with that growth.

Allows you to share company news. Your blog is your business’s news source! You have complete control over what you share on your blog so why not share news related to your business? Doing so humanizes your brand and lets your audience know what is really going on in your company.

Increases sales. Due to all the amazing benefits of blogging we listed above, you may also notice an increase in sales as a result! Blogs increase your reach, drive traffic to your website, and build authority. All of these things lead to more sales for your business.

How to Start Blogging

Your website likely has the capability to host a blog page on your website. It can be very simple to write your own blogs. 98 Buck Social offers blog services to help you grow your business and reach your goals. Contact us today if you are interested in learning more![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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